So my final quarter in Miami Beach just started - or, well, it's just about over. Yikes.
Super excited to move on to the next undisclosed location - except for the whole undisclosed location part. Dad, I still do not know where I am going ... I promise I will call you when I do. (I only hide things like tattoos from you .. )
So, in a couple months I will be in Boulder, Amsterdam, or Hamburg ... yikes. Don't get me wrong, I am super excited, but I think once I know where I am going to go it will be more excitement and less freaked-out.
It's definitely part of the Miami ad school deal that you don't find out about Quarter Away, well, until you have to be on the plane - but I'm still going crazy waiting.
That's right. What was going to be a relaxing weekend at the beach turned into a day-long project of building a huge airplane in the sand. Although the plan originally was to lay around all day and drink cooler after cooler full of beer - instead we undertook this. Don't worry, we still went through coolers of beer.
My first love is advertising. Closely followed by beer.
I’m a born and raised Wisconsin-girl [see previous statement.]
I'm a bit of a hippie. I am and always will be a nerd.
I love the smell of Play-doh and new boxes of Crayola Crayons.
I’ve had the opportunity to live and intern in some amazing places - and have fallen in love with each of them. And now .. I need a job.