As far as blog titles go, they all seem a little silly. Perhaps this should have been my first post, but here's the explanation of the title ..
First of all, a special thanks to Carren [you maintain your status as #1 copywriter].
I was looking for a title that, of course, said something about me. But, beyond that I wanted to relate it to my advertising portfolio and resume. Everyone tells us that we need to set ourselves apart and show ourselves in a way that no one else is doing. So, I chose to bring out my playful side. I basically am a kid from eating habits to favorite things, I have it all covered. I drew these illustrations for my resume (again, anything goes in advertising) and my bio is completely about being a kid. Coming soon, I will be creating a flash portfolio site that is a playground, featuring some of my illustrations like the one above.
What all this "Christy being a kid" really means ..
I think that as people get older they don't lose their creativity, but they just choose to stop showing it. Sometimes creativity means acting or thinking in a silly way - things that "grown-ups" might not want to be a part of. I think that kids can think up and imagine anything. They don't believe in the limitations that adults do. Think about how kids play - when they get bored, they go do something else. Why do something if you can't make it fun? -- what a perfect theory to live by.
However, don't misinterpret this as immaturity. It's simply being able to think, create, and have fun like a child - what shouldn't be lost as we get older.
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