Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wait, where do I draw the picture?

Ok, here I am.

Although usually I reach for a box of Crayolas or a fresh Sharpie to express my ideas, well, it's time to give something else a try. Maybe Crayolas can only take me so far ..

Usually I can't even express in words what's going on in my head, so that's what this is for. Re-teaching me to think in words, but mostly as another outlet of pent-up creativity. (or frustrations, or just everything)

I am an advertising student at Miami Ad School, and they continue to push the fact that you need to get yourself out there and be creative in all the ways that you can. That it will be good for us to clear our head. Then again, for me this might just be one more thing that I put on that priority list ahead of my Flash homework... (sorry Nat)

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